Gallery of Student Work
Below you can find a collection of student work featuring some of the most creative and engaging examples of our theology curricula from Church History, World Religions, and Scripture. This gallery highlights just some of the ways that students utilize critical thinking, creativity, integrated technology, and evidence-based literacy in our classroom. All students have given permission for their work to be displayed.

Renaissance Project
The purpose of this project is for students to research an artist, architect, writer, scientist, or politician from the Italian Renaissance and explain their contributions to the Renaissance and their impact on the Catholic Church during that time period. Here is a link to an awesome video project that two of my sophomore Church History students put together to highlight the work of artists Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Their project is one of the best examples I have seen of student creativity and use of technology. See the rubric for more detail.

Catholic Social Teaching Research Project
The Catholic Social Teaching Research Project gives senior theology students an opportunity to explore an important social issue of their choice. Using evidence from Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other theological sources, students explain the issue to their classmates and offer their evidence-based explanation of how we are called to respond as Catholic disciples of Jesus. Last year, one of my students chose to present his project on Autism Spectrum Disorder to raise awareness about the dignity of every human life, no matter their ability status. Not only did he present accurate information on an important topic, but he also utilized strong textual evidence and data from a variety of reputable sources. Please see the project rubric for more information.

Creation Project
In freshmen Scripture class, students spend the entire first semester learning about the important people, stories, and history of the Old Testament. The Creation Project invites students to explore the story of God's creation of the world from the viewpoint of a particular "character" in the story. These two students chose to tell the story from God's perspective and did an incredible job demonstrating content mastery through a very creative platform! Check out Project #1 and Project #2. The rubric can be found here.

Great Schism Story Board
The Great Schism is a very important event in the history of the Church, and this project asks sophomore students in Church History to analyze the various causes of the division between the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Students created a visual story board to present their information using textual evidence from class notes, reading assignments, in-class discussions, and other academic resources. Check out this student's video story board which incorporates strong textual evidence and great use of technology! The project rubric can be found here.

Wars of Religion Comic Strip
During our unit on the wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants following the Protestant Reformation, students select one of the major countries of conflict and create a comic strip depicting the most important events that took place in that country. Take a look at these two student projects on the wars of religion in Ireland and England! They both demonstrate mastery of the course content as well as excellent creativity and use of textual evidence. Here is the project rubric.